Coral’s Blog

Plus Size Fashion Tips – Couture Designs

Plus Size Fashion Tips – Couture Designs

It seems everywhere you look: there are skinny fashion models sporting the latest looks and designs. It can be frustrating to those who do not fit into the ultra-skinny clothes that seem to be the rage. In fact, the majority of us are not 5’10’ and 110lbs.  Recently,...

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I’m A Couture Designer!

I’m A Couture Designer!

One of the most common questions that we ask one another is “What do you do?”.  When I respond to that question, “ I am couture designer.”, I get a mixed reaction of quizzical looks and flattering nods of “Oh that is wonderful.”  And from time to time, I get “Ahh,...

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Dressy Dresses for Women

Dressy Dresses for Women

What is Jersey? It is basically a knitted fabric also known as stretch knit, and comes in a variety of textures, weights, fibres and colours. There are various types of knits, however two basic types of machine knitted fabrics, are weft and warp knits; weft knits...

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