There is a lot to be said for dressing up, standing out from the crowd, being the special individual you are born to be.

At the moment, I am in love with the unique glamour dresses as worn by the
characters in the television series ‘Suits’

The Cast from Suits

For those not familiar with the series it’s all about the power struggles, and lawsuits at a high profile law firm, composed of secrets, intrigue, and cliff hangers, all set to the background of men’s tailored sharp fitting suits; hot dresses that speak of luxury, high end designer looks!

With the added bonus that a lot of the garments are in one of my favourite fabrics ‘jersey’, I am a very happy lady!  You have the cling, fit, shaping and the pertness of the derriere, that gives you a knock-out look, the view is great from all directions, and all of this set in an office environment for our female characters.

Dressing the celebrity in you, boils down to a) how you see yourself, and b) the message you want your clothes to convey about you.  For example how do you feel about a little cleavage exposure?  The above image of the character Donna, you know will achieve admiring looks from your male counterparts, however, what about your female colleagues, and more importantly, do you care?

Your day to day environment does play a part, and you may prefer the subtly of Jessica’s style,  however, both garments are great for day to evening dressing. There is also the question of jewellery, big statement pieces or soft and delicate. Personally, I would say the simplicity of a fine delicate necklace with a very low cleavage in the case of Donna’s dress, and a bold unusual design where there is nothing on show, as with Jessica’s dress.

If you’ve been wearing a jacket in the office all day, then for the evening, this is the perfect opportunity to show off that dynamic silk or wool patterned scarf, draping it elegantly around the shoulders.

Celebrities exude an air of sophistication that many of us would like to emulate, some of it is acting, but mostly it’s confidence.  As with children when they play ‘dressing up’ it’s about play acting (do you remember those times)?  Having fun is the key, if your didn’t play dress up, now is your chance to embrace a bit of that childhood spirit, added to that a pinch of acting skills, authenticity of character, great looking and feeling clothes; camera, action… it’s now your turn to be in the spotlight!

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