Yesterday, I had the most phenomenal experience, and I would like to share with you why I salute Natalie Brown – a digital television presenter whose show ‘Time with Natalie’ addresses the work/ life balance we all aim for.

The filming took place in a chic town house near Euston station, on my arrival I was greeted by Natalie with her usual effervescent manner, and Jess the Chef; within 5 minutes of chatting away, it felt as though we had known each other for years as we became a creative team.

My first experience of television was at the ‘Big Breakfast’, my role was two-fold, personnel and assisting in wardrobe at the studio; the atmosphere there was of one big family, no two days were the same and I worked with incredible people, some of whom grace our television screens and radio today.

Moving forward to online digital media where individuals now have the opportunity to produce their own shows and share globally their contemplation of the world we live in; Natalie the consummate professional showed me that whilst taking her role very seriously, there was also room for humour, and the grace to explore other suggestions from her audience as to content for her shows.  With the filming of 4 shows for that day which started early afternoon, and finishing late into the night, Natalie remained upbeat and glamorous, it was no easy feat.

The first interview was a cooking show with Jess, who describes her approach to cooking as Fast, Fresh and Fun, the aroma’s coming from the kitchen had us all ravenous for the experience of her brightly coloured medley of scrambled eggs and avocado surprise (which I won’t spoil by telling you more, as film editing is taking place), however, I will say, notebooks to the ready.

After which, Natalie then met with Nina Kristofferson’s actress and singer, whose one woman show portraying the story of Billie Holiday has been a sell-out success at the Charing Cross Theatre.  Being the in presence of this formidable actress and singer, who shared with the audience her philosophies of life and life in the theatre, it was clear to see why rapturous applause for her performances has been bestowed upon her.  Ms Kristofferson encouraged the viewers to ‘follow their dreams as it gives you energy, and makes for an exciting and interesting journey’.

This was then followed by Dion Johnson, an author and mentor whose transformational work for women has earned her accolades as she assists women who are at the stage in their life, where they want to explore how to move forward, from having pressed the ‘pause button’ in their own lives, as they move from caregiver to all, but now want to have more ‘me time’ in their life journey. Dion’s own story of resilience and courage was a revelation in itself.

 Finally there was me, Coral Turner, couture fashion designer, who once having got over the fit of giggles talked about the passion for my love of fabrics, designing, the love of the craft, and the privilege of being able to be a part of the transformation in wardrobes of men and women.  Natalie wore two of my designs during filming, and each time – yes, I do say so myself; she looked awesome, plus as she couldn’t bear to be parted with one of them she made a purchase at the end of the show!

To close; I will sum up  Natalie who is more than a talk show host, as to anyone in the creative media industry can testify, it is extremely hard work with long gruelling hours, having to think on your feet, and garner from your guests inspiration and stories to share with the audience that are not only entertaining, but informative.  Natalie, makes it look easy, yet having witnessed first-hand the work that goes on behind the scenes it is anything but.

Natalie I salute you, and thanks for looking so spectacular in my dresses!  The filming from this experience are coming soon… in the meantime have a look at previous shows for pearls of wisdom.

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