by | Mar 29, 2021 | Dressing Above the Keyboard, Style Tips, Uncategorized
As some of us get ready to emerge from our cocoon of dressing above the keyboard with funky fashionable tops/shirts, hidden pyjamas bottoms and fluffy slippers; will your wardrobe choices be that which is fashionable, or that which is stylish? What’s the difference? I...
by | Sep 30, 2020 | Black Women in Fashion, Caribbean Fashion, Designer Musings, Female Designers
Mother and Daughter talk Style and Fashion My parents have always had a wonderful sense of style and fashion combined, they made dressing look effortless; always chic it was the norm for them and their fellow West Indians ‘to pop some style’. They didn’t need formal...
by | May 29, 2017 | Dresses, Style Tips
Dresses with sleeves have always been a wardrobe staple regardless of the fashion trend or season. Fashion history has always had some form of dress or dress coat for that matter with elaborate sleeves, if we look to the Orient the Kimono sleeve its drama and...
by | May 23, 2013 | Designer Musings
Yesterday, I had the most phenomenal experience, and I would like to share with you why I salute Natalie Brown – a digital television presenter whose show ‘Time with Natalie’ addresses the work/ life balance we all aim for. The filming took place in a chic town house...