Let’s Talk Sleeves – Sleeves on Dresses

Let’s Talk Sleeves – Sleeves on Dresses

Dresses with sleeves have always been a wardrobe staple regardless of the fashion trend or season. Fashion history has always had some form of dress or dress coat for that matter with elaborate sleeves, if we look to the Orient the Kimono sleeve its drama and...
The Power of a Dress

The Power of a Dress

Dressing up – and looking your loveliest, isn’t for me based on special occasions only, everyday, in my books is truly special. The personal armor that we all wear, is about helping us to stand tall and confident, elegant and regal, our inner foibles we...
I’m A Couture Designer!

I’m A Couture Designer!

One of the most common questions that we ask one another is “What do you do?”.  When I respond to that question, “ I am couture designer.”, I get a mixed reaction of quizzical looks and flattering nods of “Oh that is wonderful.”  And from time to time, I get “Ahh,...