by Coral Turner | Mar 11, 2025 | Bespoke Clothing, Couture Clothing, Dresses, Dressing for Special Occasions, Fashion and Older Women, Tailored Coats, Trends
My first impression of a Cape has me thinking of Sherlock Holmes sporting his pipe, and Deerstalker hat, now I am going a little off-piste here with the hat, as I made an interesting discovery about the famous hat worn by the detective and its multifunction. Yes, I...
by Coral Turner | Aug 12, 2024 | Bespoke Clothing, Bespoke coats for curvy women, Bodyshapes, Couture Clothing, Tailored Coats, Winter Coat
A bespoke coat for a curvy woman – it’s all about the fit and your personality What’s behind the seams of a made-to-measure garments? Well it’s all about you from start to finish; your personality, the complex part of our being that we are...